Hey guys! Got a little treat for you. I was listening to one of the songs i like and thought you all might enjoy me sharing it with you! Its country, just so you all know. Well, here it is!
Oh this is my first time using seeqpod. i usually have used playlist and on occasion rhapsody in the past. but so far so good with seeqpod!
A storm is brewing
This is a blurry picture of a storm drain. thought I'd put it up anyway ;)
Wear 'n tear
Sailing in a blazon sea
Abstract, really....
P.P.P.S- oh and by the way, a winter storm watch is out for montgomery county! we could get over 5-6+ inches of snow! wahoo!
P.P.P.P.S- I have alot more pictures you might enjoy, But i've decided to hold them off for now. ok...well...cya!
Hey folks! R.G. here. I just have enough time for a quick post. I got this really cool article i think you ALL will enjoy. Make sure you read ALL of it, and i mean all! especially the first part! This is really amazing!
well, enjoy!
Hey folks, Robert here. Sorry I havent posted in a bit, been busy. well, firstoff i have some vids to show you guys, I took them yesterday at church. Now These videos have MUCH better sound, you just have to turn up the speakers a bit. Even though they are a bit pointless I think you'll enjoy them.
EDIT: since my editing program is not accessible at this point i cannot turn it right side up. you will have to deal with it. so there.
lama lord
Blue pen
In other news, I am releasing the results for the best actor and photo category contest. *Drums beat in the backround*
The winner is........ STEPHEN CALDERONE! yes, StevyO won by a last minute landslide of votes. Congratulations stevy boy! If I had a popsicle i would give it to you, but of course, I dont.
In Second place, we have JOHN HILL! now John, I'd rather skip on if you dont mind, because i dont feel like elaborating about your "Superior skills".
In third place.....ROBERT GALBRAITH! aye aye thats me! a good pat on the back for myself i must say!
In third place, the ever grumbling Cody Branchaw! yay. wahoo. blah blah blah.
And in dead last, with a grand total of an entire ZERO votes, Robert Benjamine! *crowd blinks*. yea, sorry robyio! maybe next time!
And im running out of time so I'll just skip onto the next contest. The winner of the photo category contest, by public opinion, is....."The girls!" Yes, they won by a close margin, but at least they won. yay, whoopee. Moving on.
I recently finished this composition, a poem, a few days ago. I would have the edited version for you but since my editor has failed to get me that copy, You'll have to be satisfied with this one. Its free verse, and I have properly titled it, "Imprisoned". Enjoy!
The icy grip of winters claw,
Seems to grasp at me tightly.
Fear yet to be consumed,
Burns within my being.
Am I to be enslaved,
Forever victim of its snare?
For I sway upon an edge,
It awaits me to fall.
As cold as death,
Its ropes bind me.
Twisting my fate to its own,
It seeks my destruction.
But Lo I shall be free,
For yea, it cannot last.
Its strength is limited,
To the passing of time.
Its grip has weakened,
Quietly I slip away.
The endless night is over,
The Morning has finally come.
Well, thats all for now folks! I gotta go do school n stuff, but I hope to be back later! I have choir today, and hopefully I will take my camera. So i might just have something interesting for you all later on! Ok, well im gone. Vamoosed.
See ya!
hey folks, i got a problem. somthin's gone ka-blooie inwith my settings so for some reason it is hardly letting you all see the poll choices. theres no way to fix it, sadly, so i will have to take the poll down. But what i WILL do is have you all comment your vote and by the end of the week i will have the tally.
Allow me to repeat the choices,
1. Robert G.
(hey, cmon! Cant you see how well i held the camera
and how I directed the complex theme and plot smoothly?)
2. Cody Branchaw
3. John hill
4. Robert Benjamine
5. Stephen Calderone
And now let us move on to the NEXT poll.
"What is your favorite field trip picture category?"
1. the guys
2. The girls
3. buldings
4. landscape
5. clouds
6. museum N other artifacts
7. Coffee shop
8. Group pics
9. The videos!
Hey folks! Just a quickie here, I posted two polls for you guys. One is "who is the best actor?" and the other is "What category of photography was the best?". Hurry up and vote!
PSSST! wasnt i the best actor? i mean, cmon! holding the camera sooo still is extremely hard! and cant you see how i directed the Complexx theme and plot?
We also went to a really cool battlefield and got covered in mud. there was a little museum there in which I DID get pictures. It was alot of fun! I took some cool vids as well, but since my camera is really old, it was windy, and everyone was shouting, I didnt go so well. But I decided to post em up here anyway. Well, thats about all! Here's the pics, Enjoy!
I THINK this is a colt peacemaker. Im not quite sure.
An artistical view of clouds and wires.
An AWESOME view from the tower at the museum.
another pic of RobyO
We stopped at wendys. lol.
A blurry picture of a confederate teddy.
Sophia and Natalie were being really REALLY wierd....
(at the second museum)
part of the gift shop
This is sinco. or synco. Im not exactly sure how his name's spelled, but he is one awesome scotch terrier!
Some cool clouds and landscape
Creek N Trees
A wax dummy of a drummer boy, or somthing.
A blurry group pic infront of a coffee shop.
A picture of part of the Coffee shop.
Heres A pic i took while we were driving through the town. its interesting...
Fans -
Who runs the blog -
Other interesting places -
Outer Banks: Senior Trip!12 years ago
Emily Patton Photography 201213 years ago
Challenge to Girls13 years ago
Hosea and Gomer14 years ago
Photo-shoot/Recital14 years ago
Christmas Trees15 years ago
Breaking News!15 years ago
Vacation Rules!15 years ago