Hey all, Robert here. Do you remember a while back when I said that I wouldn't be going to Camp hemlock? Well I was feeling pretty down about it. But I prayed that if it was God's will, that he would open a door for me to go. Or maybe a window. And sure enough, The next day I got a call from the Mr Kelley (the guy in charge of the camp) informing me that they needed some more help after all! The lord is amazing.
But whilst there is good news, there is also bad news. Well, its not really bad. As some of you know, I was signed up for an audition with Mrs. Mays for the spring play this year. Well after some more thought and consideration, my parents decided that I should wait till next year, particularly because of my heavy burden of school I will have to deal with, as well as the fact that I serve a lot at home (Taking care of my handicapped brother) and The play would take a lot away from that. This was a disappointment to me, but i can see that even if I was able to do music, school, THG, serving at home (which takes a lot), adventure academy, and the spring play, I would be a walking zombie. So I have decided to leave it all in the best place possible, the Lord's hands =).
Over and out,
P.S. - Buying some Chucks later!!!
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I'm R.G., Otherwise known as Robert, Trebor, and a few other names. I am a Teen Who has been saved by God's amazing grace and I attend Covenant Life Church. This is my Blog where I post about Stuff that happens around me, As well as little tidbits of stuff I've written or designed. Thanks for visiting!
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