66 Things!  

Posted by The Ordinary

Well , some people have been pressuring me to do this, so here 'tis! The 66 things I wanto to do before I die! Ok. Wow. ahem.

1. Move to Scotland
2. Visit Culcreuch castle (my ancestral home)
3. see a Broadway play
4. Go scuba diving
5. Be in a rodeo
6. Go Artic fishing
7. Go Survival camping in Canada
8. Run a marathon
9. Learn to fly
10. Go hang-gliding
11. go sky-diving
12. Smuggle Bibles into North-Korea
13. Join the special forces
14. Go on an archaeological dig in Europe
15. Become a Professional falconer
16. Get into Yale
17. Get into Oxford
19. Get my Bachelors in science
20. Get my masters in Archeology
21. Get my P.H.D. in History
22. Go spelunking for 3-days straight
23. Own a horse
24. Own a flying squirrel
25. Build a tree house
26. Go Canoe-ing in Canada for 6 weeks
27. See the northern lights
28. Run my hand through a Lion's mane
29. Hug a grizzly
30. Snuggle with a python
31. Wrestle a crocodile
32. Fight a black-belt
33. Laugh for 6 straight hours (oh wait, I've already done that!)
34. Race an Ostrich
35. Ride a wild Elephant
36. Play tag with a tiger
37. Climb Mt. Everest
38. Go Surfing on a huge wave
39. Ride a chair lifted by balloons
40. Go tornado chasing in a pick-up
41. Build a village in India
42. Go on a missions trip to Vietnam
43. Get my book finished
44. Write 150 poems
45. Get married
46. Fly an F-16
47.Learn Gaelic
48. Learn Hebrew
49. Have a big family
50. Sail an old galleon
51. Stand exactly on the magnetic north pole (which happens to be in Canada, by the way)
52. Become a Grandparent
53. Become a Great Grandparent
54. Teach at Oxford
55. See C.S. Lewis's Birthplace
56. Shake the president's hand
57. Fly a B-52 Super-fortress (much larger than the B-17 flying fortress)
58. Walk a tight-rope over Niagara falls
59. Convert 100 people to Christianity
60. Have a huge get-together of everyone I ever knew
61. win a ping pong tournament
62. Write a hymn
63. Write a hit song
64. Joust on horseback
65. Smile for 8 hours in a row =)
66. Read The chronicles of Narnia to my kids
67. Go to Heaven =D

Well, that's all for now!



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I'm sorry Robert, some of the things you say on your blog are funny...but this? If you are unintelligent enough to try any of these, it'll probably be in this order:

1. Go survival camping in Canada.
2. Go to heaven.


1. Fly and F-16
2. Go to heaven. (I'll leave out how for you to imagine. lol)


1. Hug a grizzly
2. Go to heaven. (In case you're wondering, 'go to heaven' can be substituted with 'die')


1. Join the special forces
2. Go to heaven.

YOu get the point. These would be awesome things to do (except for some...go spelunking for 3 days straight? You know how intense that'd be?).

And it's not like it's just you. NOBODY could do even half of the things you mentioned. Now, (hopefully) you were joking, but still...

Cya at running today. ;-)

i completely agree with robert b. he has great points, they are tiring things that you should never associate yourself with.

Weellll if it aint lazy bones john.

And Robert, Notice the word "Learn to fly" was before "Fly an F-16". Also, You have no clue how much I know about the woods. Try goin survival campnin with me some time, see how you like it.

Annnnd the grizzyly could be tame. or it could be a cub :P

also, being on the special forces does not mean you are going to die. God would be with me, and my time would come when he wants it to.

and a few more things -

Tag with a tiger - that would be tuns of fun, especially if it was "it". I've always wanted to be chased by a tiger. and snuggle with a python, there have been many pythons raised from babys that are very friendly. I'd Just want to do it so I could say I'd done it. Also, Wrestling a crocodile, have you ever seen steve Irwin? He could do it. So if I had enough training, i could

And spelunking for 3 days...hmm lets think. Depending on the cave terrain, as long as you had food and water it would be no different then CAMPING ABOVE GROUND! except for the fact that you make your own light. Sheesh.

And finally, Notice i said that these were the things I "WANT" to do. That does not necessarily mean i would get to do them. But if i could, I would!

oh and all your graduating stuff you would be in your 50s before you finished school and you wouldnt have enough time for everything else.

John - I would not. you can only go to school for 7 years. Bachelors degree is like four years, masters is two years, and then one extra, possibly two, years for a P.H.D. I know these things John

and all the other stuff could actually take place in one eventful year. The skydiving, etc. stuff.

Ahem, as I was going to say about a hour ago, Robert, you have not mentioned anything about getting married last I heard you where five and said you where going to be rich and and have a pet wolf.


P.S. Wait, you said you where going to live in a cave or a old mansion. Which one?

Oh posh! i said i liked the woods, and you guys made fun of me and said i was gonna live in a cave with a wolf. tut tut.

"Woods?" what are you talkin about.


you boys need to get g-chat or IM or something so you can talk more often :P

you wanna go to heaven *before* you die? wow, i've never thought of that one...lol cool list :)

Haha, who's Rach? And is Rach saying you want to visit Heaven and come back and do all those other 65 thing on your list or stay in Heaven? Nah, I'd rather not get a "G-chat" (what ever that is)I live like next to Robert so I do not need to get a chat thing.


P.S. Kinda like earlier today I asked Robert a question on hear then about ten minutes later I went up and asked him that. Is G-chat Google chat or something related to that

First off I HAVE G-chat, secondly the list was named "66 things i want to do before i die". THe 67th is after 66, therefore it means "after I die"

Well, I feel slighted! What happened to our massive plan to go find Nessie, Robert?? Slacker, make it 67 things and slap that one on there.
Well, I have a one-up on you, at least. I've seen the Northern lights, although I have'n tbeen to most of said amazing places in England yet.

Folks, this is why Robert gets hurt as much as he does. "Hug a grizzly, walk a tightrope over Niagara, run hand through a lion's mane"??? (Thanks on the last one, because I'm sure it's so you can feel Narnian.) Seriously, mate! You wanna live long enough to get married and have a huge family? Don't do crazy stuff. (Let's hope he tries to do all this AFTER he's married, because his wife will TOTALLY not let him.) Perhaps, Robert, this is your method of trying to get to heaven faster? :-)

In answer to comments, and not the post:
Rach is Rachel Czarniak. (Proud that I can spell that!)
Robert, I have heard of Steve Irwin. Know what happened to him? (I'll leave it hanging there. 10-4)

He was stabbed by a STING RAY, not eaten by a croc. thats why, if you noticed, I didnt say anything about sting-ray's :D

and guess what! Today is an official new record! 3 WHOLE MONTHS WITHOUT A BROKEN BONE, SPRAINED ANKLE, WRIST, OR ANYTHING ELSE! WOOT!. Ok im gonna go hurt myself.

snuggle with a python? what a verb! If that one isn't followed by "go to heaven" then tight-rope-walking Niagara Falls surely will.

Spelunking for 3 days could be fun but just imagine the games your mind would start playing on you. You lose all sense of day and night, its quite confusing. But I suppose if Eustace can do it, then so can you. I still want to take you and Michael spelunking in West Virginia.

also i think the amount of country music on your blog is tipping the scale too steeply to the country side.

Ya, I agree with the "country music is tipping the scale too steeply to the country side." But what can I say if Robert enjoys that kinda stuff.


Oh, and you know what? Have fun getting a rope across the falls, and convincing the security people to let you cross on it. (Then again, that woman went over the falls in a barrel...)