Contest!! (and Pilgrim)  

Posted by The Ordinary

Hey folks! Guessssssssss what!?! I have prepared a grand contest for you all! As you have probably noticed by this point I have a blog soundtrack ( This should not come as a big shock to you, unless you need to get your ears cleaned). Not wanting to have a permanent musical fixture though, I am going to Have a musical Choice contest! Yay. Wahoo. moving on.

Anyways, I am going to pick several different Genre's ( you know, Rock, punk, pop, country, etc.) of music for you all to vote on. Then you will vote on what songs you want to be on this blog FROM the top two Genres. The top 10 songs taken from BOTH Genres will be placed up for vote. Only five out of these 10 will make it to the playlist (Am i confusing you?). The voting will begin.....NOW!

Here are the Genres!

1. Rock

2. Country

3. Pop

4. Soundtrack

5. Other-ish ( For songs that you have no clue of their Genre.)

This voting will last Until May 8th! If you all could get the word out, any way you can, it would be of a great help (emails, texts, blog posts, etc.).

In other news, The youth play "Pilgrim" had its last performance on Saturday, May 3rd, 7:30 pm. I was able to attend but did not take my camera. This was the second Time i was able to see the show, and it had gotten even better! The last performance had Lots of added tid-bits and such that when put together, form enough to create almost an entire new scene! The acting was amazing, as well as the musical and dancing skills of the characters. One particular scene i enjoyed was a Scottish Folk dance, where several Lads and Lasses danced highland style to a bagpipe and fiddle. Since I had already seen the show, I seated with some friends further back. It was shall i put it....interesting ( not the show, the seats!). One of my other friends was acting as an "Usher" and stood below us (we were in the permanent bleachers, a balcony like thing). Well one of my OTHER friends who was sitting with us threw some stuff down at him, and conked him right on the head. This friend immediately looked up and thought I had done it (Me! of all people!).

Well later on, at the intermission I was having a lot of fun making friends pay up long-owed debts (since i didn't have any money for the snack bar). After that we went back to our seats and watched the rest of the show (which was amazing!). Later on I talked to the actors
(a lot of them are my friends :D ) and attempted to avoid being trampled by the mob of people trying to get their autographs. It was an eventful night!

Well, thats about all for today folks. Cya round!



P.S. - I said laughingly because at the moment I am laughing, though I have no clue why.

P.P.S- I have a special surprise for you all next week! Some Poetry may find its way onto the blog!

P.P.P.S - In case you are wondering, just vote by leaving a comment :)

This entry was posted on 3:45 PM . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .



i vote otherish. :)

oh and also, the paper didn't hit cody on the head. it just dropped to the ground like 5 feet away from him. ;)

Thats practically the same thing.

And caleb, Classical falls under other-ish

I vote rap. I know plenty of Christian Rap songs :)

i vote country, and if it wins i have some suggestions and also, pleaaaase do not do rap, and mayby pop and also i do not like the little jungle soundtrack thing you have but also i think you should not do rock or soundtracks....but if i have to pick on to vote on as i said i vote country...ahhhh this dumb in the jungle song is so annoying make it stop!!!!!

There are 3 songs after it. You can just skip the jungle one if you dont like it.

Betser :P  

ps, what kind of country r u lookin for: solo artist, guy artists, girl artists, groups....let me know so i can give ya so me suggestions!

luv 2 all


haha sry,
that wuz supposed to be "some" not so me, sry..haha
luv betsy

I would rather not get into the "Artist" category. Just any song in particular that is from that genre. It dont matter if its from brad paisley or taylor swift.



oh and btw you took my seat up top in the mezinine thingie:/

HARD ROCK TOTALLY! I know some really good bands, check out Disciple! My favorite song of theirs is Falling Over, followed by Shine Down. You can also try Thousand Foot Krutch, they have Falls Apart, and tons of other great songs.

OK folks! heres how it currently stands!

Otherish is tied with country for the lead! Second up is another tie of Pop and Rock! We need more votes! Get your siblings, friends, anyone!

and cody, we will start discussing what specific songs in the NEXT round


cass, there were two extra seats...just you and bekah didn't come up, so robert got stephen and amy to sit up there.

i vote otherish.

she definitly did which means country is still tied for first

betser :P  

you guys have to be kiddin... i mean, what is otherish anyway???
i re-vote country (again :D) specifically let it go by tim mcgraw (hehe rg)

betser :P  

oh, and my mom, dad, brother, and dog all vote for country as well ;)
hey all you guys, hows life! i havnt talked to some of u for years......
betsy <3

I vote soundtrack. =D

hahahahahaha I had another blog on another tab and that music started playing the Enchanted song Ever After and I thought it was on yours and yeah lol.

Lol! thats hilarious. Well looks like country is in the lead :)


no it's not because people actually have to post for the votes to count. they can't get someone to vote for them. (betsy...!) ;D

Hmmm yes. technically that is true. *nodds*


OTHERISH!! Country stinks

Trebor ShadowStalker aka. Robomaster  

ROCK TOTALLY! This counts as twenty votes because I voted. Looks like Cody and I stand almost alone...Come on rock lovers, rally together!


"Thats practically the same thing."

So that means if someone shot at you and hit you it's the same thing if they missed by five feet? Lol, use logic Bob.


what on earth are you talking about?

and guys, if you've already voted, don't go around voting again as an 'anonymous' person. ;)

rock is cool, it just depends on who it that's my second choice. :)

Country and otherish are still tied! in second place is Rock! And in dead last, with a total of one vote, Soundtrack and pop.

betser :P  

cmon countryboys and countrychix! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!

rg, whats ur vote???? (antagonisticlly ;p)

jd (betsy's brother)  

i vote country!

Technically im not supposed to vote. Im neutral, remember?

betser :P  

oh, sry, didnt get that memo...ya.
so again i ask all of u out there "howgoesit" ?

Why do I get the feeling that JD didn't write that comment? He wouldn't say "betsy's brother" if it was him.

Yeah, that's a little strange . . . . =D

Betser :P  

well, actuallly i told him to say that so that so u would know who he was smart ones... im not a liar....or am i???????? :D

Who says i should start the next session of voting on the 7th instead of the 8th? pretty much everyone has voted.....

sorry Robert you but your whole voting system is like totally corrupt, and i find it funny that there are like 36 comments yet only around 10 votes, plus in a shocking melodramatic(no idea what it means but it sounds really cool) change of voting i switch to rock for two reasons 1. because the country voters are all cheating and i do not want to be associated with it.
2. because i kinda am starting to think the songs i want are now more light(very light not hard rock even though i know there will be some if you do this category) and that ends my long comment, i am the only person on your blog who makes long comments, everyone else makes boring short comments so your welcome and that is it so there....

that last comment was semi confusing in the last paragraph i meant to say "because the songs i want are mayby a little rockish not country whichever way you want to put it, and there is more variety in rock, i do not want pop solely for the reason i do not know how you define....pop well there i go again another long comment...sigh i am tired

Yeah wow John . . .and yeah I think we should start the voting today =D

sorry john, no voting change allowed. and only one country person has been acused of cheatin, and there is no proof. contest will continue on schedule.

betser :P  

ok, idk who u think u r "john" but im not a cheater! my brother voted fair and square and i take offense to the fact that you would call me a liar


ps: anyone who knows me knows that i dont lie or cheat. i dont stoop to that level (and sry, im pretty iritable today, sooooooooo tierd)

Michael G.  
