Hey folks! This is just a short, quick note to let you all know that I have opened up another blog. This new site is nothing like the old (this) one. I think all of my readers would enjoy it thoroughly, so make sure to check it out!
Over and out,
P.S. - Almost forgot to give you the link! Its http://anordinaryfellow.blogspot.com
Dear Readers,
I would like to announce that Life N jeans will be closing down until further notice. The re-opening time is not insight at the moment, so it could be one long spot of time (or indefinitely). If you are wondering why the blog is closing after so long, here are three main reasons.
- Post count to low
- Not enough readers
- School
As of now, all authors will be discontinued, and the blog will be shutdown and its future "rethought". If you wish to be alerted when (and if) the blog opens back up, just drop a comment saying so. Thank you all for following my blog over the past year, it was a lot of fun to write for you all.
Robert Galbraith
Allo, I returned from Camp hemlock a while ago, so I decided to post the much delayed...post. Here 'tis!
Day 1 - I woke up at about 7:00 AM and and finished my final packing. I left for the church at around 8:20. Once I was there, I spent time loading up the bus with coolers full of all kinds of food for the camp. The bulk of the work was done by Mr. Wilson, Me, Robert B., and Ben Wilson . Kevin K. and his group didn't show up until later, so we did all the work. We all loaded up into the bus and various cars there and left for WV. after somewhere around three hours of driving, we had reached WV and stopped at kack-a-kacapon ( a small restaurant in the middle of nowhere) and (I) had a delicious roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy (Not to mention the delicious apple pie for Desert). After that we headed over to camp and opened up. I moved my stuff into the lodge and helped unload all the coolers and food (which Kevin didn't help AGAIN). After everything was done (cabins swept out, rooms unlocked, gates opened, fridge loaded, stuff unpacked, etc.) The campers started arriving. I helped set up the gun range until dinner time. When dinner was completed, people lumbered around for a bit and then we had campfire. Robert B. and I set up sound and we sang Worship songs for a while. Later we listened to teaching from Mr. maka. where offered a nintendo wii, plasma tv, and a bunch of other stuff for anyone who could win a "race". After that some of the graduating sentinels (6th graders) came up with their dads and talked. From then on everyone scattered off into the shadows. Well when We finally went to bed (Jessie P., Kevin K, Jonathon E., Robert B) no one could sleep so we talked for ever. Finally everyone went silent (for about two hours)Later, we found that we were all still awake (except for kevin) and so we pulled out a checkers board and ate cookies and gobstoppers. After several games (I won them all) we discovered that Kevin was asleep. Thinking this rather unfair that he could fall asleep so fast (and He pranked me last year) I decided to tooth paste him. Well, not me exactly. I convinced Jonathon to put the paste all over him, so that later i could shift the blame to him. Well he slept on for a good loooong time. When he finally woke up, he started yelling and sprinted down the hallway to the bathroom (we later found out that he had convinced himself that he was melting into the mattress). Once he found that the horrendous burning was caused by tooth paste (it hurts after say, five hours), He came back huffing and puffing looking for someone to maul. He suspected me right away (smart fellow) so i pointed at Jonathan, with the classic "He did it!". From then on, well, lets just say things were settled until everyone was happy. sort of.
Day 2 -
Having pulled an all nighter we were all (except kevin and Robert B) extremely tired. I hauled myself off to take a shower before breakfast. Once it was mealtime, we all congregated in the mess hall and waited for some scrambled eggs (well done), Sausage ( the only thing that tasted good), and home-made thick as glue oatmeal (tasted like glue as well). Once that delicious meal was over, we had devotions. Being one of my favorite parts of Camp, I was very disappointed when I had to miss devotions to go set up the rifle range. But I got to have my own time later one =). Well I was assigned to help teach the kids how to use a saw, knife, and axe. Basically sharp things. What really annoyed me was how the kids could dull the tools so fast! Almost every second seemed i was sharpening a hatchet or knife. Particularly the hatchets. Well after that I moved on to helping a group learn how to build a fire. The guy I ended up helping hadn't even lit a match before (considering he was in 2nd grade). I guess it was sorta unfair to the other kids when the guy i worked with got a good blaze goin and they were still huffing and puffing to get theirs started. Well soon after the bell rang for lunch and we sprinted to get in line first. Of course it was just measly old sandwiches for lunch, but hey, its better than nothing. Once lunch was completed we went back to working in the field for a bit, and then set off on a hike. A good way up the mountain we discovered a good sized rattle snake staring at us. We were observing him when one of our members (I wont say who, ahem ahem) Decided to get in rather "close". Now as well all know (I hope we do) a snake can strike with deadly force the distance of its full body length. This whopper was about 3 and a half feet long, and our, er, "friend" was well under that. Well he didn't die and we moved on. Two of our group had to go back down the mountain so Robert B and I continued on for a while. After about 45 minutes we came to one of the cliffs. I found a small crevice I could squeeze into, and discovered a perfect climbing wall, almost exactly like the winding stair from LOTR. Well this went down the face of the cliff, or rather, through the face. The entire descent (Oh yes, i descended) I was amazed my hand was ripped to shreds by a score of rattle snakes (I later discovered that hawks and vultures nested in the cavernous area, so all snakes stayed clear). Well earlier on i had found a beautiful Eagle feather, and when I started my downward climb, I had left it topside. So Mr. Wilson happens to come along, find it, and stick it in his cap. So much for that. Once we reached the bottom, I ran into a group of campers who didn't believe we had climbed the whole way, even though they saw us doing it (some people are just skeptics). Robert B. and I hiked with them back to camp, where I wanted to get Jonathan and Jessie and go back to climb the spot. Of course everyone was to lazy to do so and trailed off to the game room ( a place above the bunkhouse filled with ping pong, Foosball, and pool.) I followed and had an Epic room-wide ping pong game (one of the best ever), and thoroughly exhausted myself. I soon left and went outside to observe a few kids fighting on a log with battlestick (a pole with socks on either end which was used last year for games). I decided to do some myself, and played until someone threw me off (literally). After that there was a blur of dinner, campfire, and songs but I wont get in to detail. The only thing I am going to say though is that Mr. Maka put the plasma Tv in the fire, and I got a ten dollar dunkin donuts card (which i left at camp). That night I got some blessed sleep.
Day 3 - The last day. End of the camp. Blah blah blah sentimentality and such. Well we all had breakfast, and then I found my dad (he was with my little bro who's still in CSB) and we had some great devotions, talking about how life is like a race and we need to run for the prize (theme of camp hemlock). Afterwards I headed over to the slingshot section, and helped out (basically just making sure the kids dont shoot each other in the eye.) After a bit I took out my own personal slingshot and started knocking bottles off racks and popping balloons. Right when I was at my 10th hit in a row (shooting at a frying pan) it started to rain. Everyone regrouped back at the cabins ('cept for me) and got rain coats and such. Soon after the activities continued. Well later on, after the rain stopped, the camp dog (no one knows where she lives) popped in to say hello and everyone got distracted. Discreetly I slipped away to help get the stockpiles of water balloons in place for the battle we always have. Once the time was right, Everyone lined up (dads against sons, helpers can go wherever) and charged. 5 minutes of pure terror the sky is filled with balloons, nowhere is safe. once it was over, poor mr. sommerville was mobbed by the kids and buried under a massive dog pile. Some people tried to save him but it took forever to get those kids away. soon after they set their sights on someone else ( i cant quite remember who) and I dumped an entire water cooler full of...water, on them. Instantly they were after me like flys to molasses. I learned never to do that again.
Well after everyone cleaned up the mess from the balloons, people skedaddled off in different directions. I packed my stuff and helped get the guns and bows back in the cars. Well way later after everyone was gone, Kevin Robert and I (actually, It was really me) discovered a cool rope course. When i got disinterested in that, Everyone had gone to the pool. I soon made a big mistake, I entered the pool area. Instantly Everyone was intent upon pushing me in. Well Robert B was going to, But i warned him he was gonna go down no matter what (he was complainin bout his ipod in his pocket). So he sorta stayed away. Then Kevin K. was gonna help me throw him in, so I attempted to push kevin in. Not good. He managed to catch on at the last minute and not fall in. After chasing me in circles forever, he finally gave up on me. Right when my back was turned though, Robert B rushed up and shoved me in. Backstabber! I was in jeans. Well I trodded soaking wet onto the bus. It took forever it seemed, for us to get to a mcdonalds/shop place. We all got out and I got a small fires, drink, and a mcchicken. Not to mention the nerds, pringles, or sour belts. After loading back up into the bus, we all argued (excuse me, debated.) about doomsday, smallpox, russia, obama, and a few other things. Some persons (i wont mention any names) Got a bit...overly involved. Well once we reached the church, we all unloaded, headed home, and dropped dead. The end.
Thats about all for now folks, See ya round!
Here's a song from WAY back when that has become a classic in my family. If you don't like it I can take it down, but I think it's really funny. Enjoy!
Well my first football game was yesterday and I was benched at halftime. But, I'm OK with that because of the reason. We were too good! We scored 4 touchdowns on four plays so they had to institute a mercy rule. I still got to play defence so I was OK. The final score was 28-0. Our next game is hopefully going to be a lot harder and A LOT OF FUN! It's an away game at Ellicott City. The field there is field-turf (Fake, and really nice) and the stands are built on the side of a hill so it gives you a stadium feel! The team there is good too though.
OH, I have a really funny story about the football game. Our entire team came to the game wearing our home jerseys which are red. Well the other team came wearing red too! That means that both teams were the same color! Well it would be really hard to play a game like that so we switched jerseys. Since we were at our home field we had a trailer full of football equipment. The coach went into the trailer and found white jerseys for all of us. The problem is that hardly any of them fit and the numbers didn't correspond with the position. So half the team was wearing jerseys that were WAY too tight! (remember we were wearing football pads) Some could barely move their arms! But we played and won anyways! Trying to take them off was SOOOOO funny, people were trapped inside their jerseys! But no one died and it was a lot of fun.
P.S. When we passed the other team I broke the rules by yelling
"Hey guys! Enjoy those nice, RED, uniforms!" (I didn't get in trouble though, the coach just laughed)
Hey all, Robert here. Do you remember a while back when I said that I wouldn't be going to Camp hemlock? Well I was feeling pretty down about it. But I prayed that if it was God's will, that he would open a door for me to go. Or maybe a window. And sure enough, The next day I got a call from the Mr Kelley (the guy in charge of the camp) informing me that they needed some more help after all! The lord is amazing.
But whilst there is good news, there is also bad news. Well, its not really bad. As some of you know, I was signed up for an audition with Mrs. Mays for the spring play this year. Well after some more thought and consideration, my parents decided that I should wait till next year, particularly because of my heavy burden of school I will have to deal with, as well as the fact that I serve a lot at home (Taking care of my handicapped brother) and The play would take a lot away from that. This was a disappointment to me, but i can see that even if I was able to do music, school, THG, serving at home (which takes a lot), adventure academy, and the spring play, I would be a walking zombie. So I have decided to leave it all in the best place possible, the Lord's hands =).
Over and out,
P.S. - Buying some Chucks later!!!
This song is amazing: Make sure to turn off the blog's music before you listen to it though.
Ok, I've been struggeling a lot with trusting myself lately. I feel like I really am just putting a hand on God instead of leaning on him. I've stopped reading my bible and praying almost altogether. I know that I need God and cannot trust myself but I try and fight the thoughts when they come into my mind. I just reasure myself that I still have a hand on God so I can lean on him later. Right now sin is just to "enjoyable" to stop right now. I'll stop later. If you guys could pray for me I would greatly appreciate it. You can pray that God would show me that he is better than sin and that I would start leaning on God with my whole body.
'Allo folks, Dr. R. here! Just thought I'd give you an update on my life, not much but it's a post :-/ .
Things have been goin a little slow 'round here. I didn't go on the Church youth retreat because my family and I were gonna go on vacation. Well the day of the retreat, (which was when we were also supposed to leave) we decided we couldn't go after all, and it was to late to sign up for the Retreat. Though this was disappointing, I still had camp hemlock (a boys camp in the heart of WV where i serve every year). Well I was a little late in volunteering, and for the first time ever they had to many people wanting to help. So it looks like I ain't goin no where before school starts, but if it's God's will, then so be it. Right now our AC just got a temporary fix (the second one in a week) and its lookin like we may have to get an entire new unit. Some of you may be thinking something along the lines of "Why don't you just put up with it? Wimp". Well the reason is that my brother (Nathan) has special needs (epilepsy, autism, cerebral palsy, etc.) and when the heat gets up there it can trigger seizures. But as you know, getting a new A.C. unit costs a pretty penny, but the Lord provides =) .
Well, that about sums up whats goin on at the moment. Thanks for reading! And remember, don't talk to any strange cantelope trees!
-Dr. R
P.S. - Some of yo from CLC may enjoy the trailer just released for the musical, Pilgrim. You can watch it hat http://christiantheatre.org/blog/

Oi! R.G. here! Folks I just wanted to let you know that Life N Jeans will be taking on MORE AUTHORS! Lately I have been havin trouble keepin this blog updated, so I have decided to add even MORE people to help me keep this blog busy! But if you thin k that I'm just gonna hand this job over to you easy, then...well your wrong. Firstoff you need to show that you can at least keep a low standard of punctiation, Capitalization, etc. (NO TEXT SPEAK!,but that's not all! You will have to write a sample post, email it to me, and then I will choose four people to TEMPORARILY add to the blog. During this time, all of these four will write a post on any subject at all, and publish it. The rest of you guys (blog readers) will determine who walks away, and who stays in. Just shoot me an email at rgalbraith9@gmail.com with your sample post if you want to be in.
p.s. - I am hoping these new authors will add some flavor to my blog! It could use some pepper.....maybe a little thyme as well. And don't forget the basil!
Hey folks! R.G. here. I just made up this little widget thing about me and was wonderin what ya thought of it. Also, the Orchestra performance went great! I had soo much fun. All you actors were amazing!
See ya!
P.S. - Here 'tis!
Free website - Wix.com
Hey kiddos! R.G. here. I just returned from the Shakespeare cast par tay! It was a ton O fun. We watched recordings of our performances and ate cookies N stuff. After a while someone (I'm not quite sure who) started playing with a golf ball and some other people ( i can't quite say...) got a little annoyed. :P . Well anyways, afterwards we all signed shirts and hung around for a bit. By the time I got home, I felt like I had lost my purpose in life (well not really), SHAKESPEARE CAMP WAS OVER! But I have more to look forward to. Tonight, the summer musical (100% Chance of Rain) is being performed by K-6th graders, and I am part of the orchestra that is doing the music for it. You all really should try to come, it's a free show, and the acting talent displayed is really quite phenomenal considering the age of the actors. Hope to see you all there! (The show is at 7:30 PM, in the Main auditorium of CLC.)
Signing off,
P.S. - I had to get up bright and early this morning to practice with the orchestra, unlike most Shakespeare people who got to sleep in :-/
Hello Hello Helloo! Robert here, and I just finished acting in a "Midsummer Night's dream"! We had the audience bursting with laughter! First off, I want to thank Mrs. Goodling and Mrs. Jones for doing the camp this year! You are awesome! Secondly, to all you guys who helped out with sound, makeup, and costume, We owe you a lot. To the actors, you guys were amazing! We all did a great job, and it was sooo much fun.
If you are wondering what in the world I am talking about, allow me to explain.
For the past two weeks I have been taking a Shakespeare camp. Tonight was our performance. In this camp, there are two groups. 7th-9th and 10th-12th (grades). Each group performs its own play. Our group did midsummer's, and the other group did A winter's tale. It was sooo much fun! I am kinda sad that its over, but I still have the cast par tay tomorrow!
After that sporadic and tangled post, I must be leaving. My face is still covered in stage make-up (yes, mascara) and it wont come off! I have a big day tomorrow, performing with an orchestra bright and early. So see ya all around the Rumble branch!
P.S. - I played the part of flute, who plays Thisbe in a play within the play. Thisbe is a girl YES I wore a skirt, and a wig.
Hey all you people out there! This is my One thousandth view post! I know it sounds strange, but since I installed Google analytics into my blog (way back in May) It has been secretly telling me how many people view my blog per day, week, month, and year. Since May I have had 1000 visits! 35% of my traffic is from Google search engines (of which I am the number one listed) and 74% is from direct traffic. The rest is from Referring sites. Well anyways, If I got a thousand views in such a short time, it staggers the mind to think how many I must have got since I started!! But to get to the point, I wanted to know what you all thought of me putting up a PUBLIC hit counter, so everyone can see it. Whaddya think?
In other news, Shakespeare camp is coming along nicely. I had lots of fun today, and afterwards went running and walked to McDonald's . We got free drinks and were going to walk through the drive-through in car formation, but we didn't have any money and the girls with us didn't want to because they thought someone would recognize them or somthin :-/ . Well anyways, make sure you post a comment about the question mentioned above!!! =D
Signing off,
P.S.- Look through the music list and see if you can pick out any new songs :)
Turn your everyday smartcar into one of these stylish smortcars!
Lame, old, regular smartcar.
But you can have the Smorsche Targa!
Hey! I got some info for all you mangos out there!
In Shakespeare camp I got the part of Francis Flute. Since I dont have time to tell you a lot about him, I'll just paste in a short summary i wrote of him.
Francis Flute is your pretty average down-to-earth type of guy. He's got some good friends, a job, a home, and overall, life is pretty good (though in his mind it could be better). Often a time you can find him doing the most unwanted and unsavory jobs. Even though he isnt the brightest candle on the mango shrub, deep down he's got a heart of platinum. So naturally he will do anything his friends ask of him (after a few feeble excuses, of course)(which is ALSO why he gets the role of the leading female in Quince, snug, snout, bottom, and starveling's play for the nobility of Athens). Flute appears in many scenes, and being the quiet type of guy that he is, he generally doesnt say much. But he every time he appears, he adds color and flavor to the scene portrayed.
Well thats all folks! I gotta go now! cya round the mango shrub!
P.S.- For one part in my role, I have to wear a dress, a wig, talk in a squeaky voice, and do a bunch of other humilating things. I'm so good natured, arent I? bahahahaha.
Hey folks! Robert here. I just got back from Shakespeare camp, and boy was it fun! It runs from Monday (today) everyday until Friday (not this week, but next). At the same time, I am doubling and doing some trumpet playing (I got a new trumpet by the way! will have a separate post about that later ;) ) for a little kids musical, 100% chance of rain. Well anyways, we got there at 9:00 am and Mrs. Jones (one of the people in charge) talked to us for a bit. Next we did some mime practices and such until it was time for me to go to trumpet. A few other friends and i raced off to band. We got there and practiced for a while until noon. We then left back to Shakespeare camp and ate lunch, ran around crazily outside, and played gravel, all before we sat down and did some testing of the different parts to "A midsummer's night dream". I played several parts, and had lots of fun. I headed home around 3:00 pm and ate a triple Decker sandwich :-/ . Well that's about all i have to post for now, cya round the mango shrub!
P.S - I ALSO climbed Old rag mountain yesterday! Another post about that will be coming soon!
Hey folks! R.G. here! not a lot has been goin on since the wind down of the contest. I've been just layin round the house really, not much to do. But this Saturday I will hopefully be goin over to a friend's house, so there's some possible fun. But the highlight of this month is fast approaching. SHAKESPEAR CAMP! Two full weeks of pure drama await me, starting monday. But it actually turns out that the ninth graders, me included, have will be doing the middle school play, midsummer's night dream, or something like that. At the same time the elementary kiddos will be doin a musical (this has nothing to do with the camp) and Since I am a trumpet player, my services are required for the musical part! This will interfere with my camping of course, but I'm trusting in God that this is all part of his plan.
Well that's all. Just another update on my boring life. Hope you guys are havin a Rockin Talkin smashingly fun summer!
Over and out,
P.S.- Oh and Robomaster, Could you tune down on these single sentence posts? When I post, i like to make it worth while :) .
P.P.S- And in case you want to check out MY quiz, you can take it here! http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/an1TvXG/How-good-of-a-friend-are-you
Guys check out this amazing incident that happened to me! I'm too lazy to write it again so head over to my blog, its in the newest post!!

Hey folks! R.G. here. I have been cookin up the blog-a-thon awards as the contest nears its closing. Several designs have taken shape and I am going to show one of them to you today. This year I have decided to give the first place winners a digital award. This is so that they can be able to post it on their blog to show others. The second place winners will receive a certificate, much like the one given to "The Wicked Awesome Show" last year. I would like to know what you think.
Here 'tis!

Hey folks! Happy Independence day! Two-hundred and forty-three years ago, 13 small colonies became one nation. A war for Independence in sued, and the world's largest super power, Great Britain, was defeated by the small continental army. Unlike most blog posts on important days, this one is goin to be short N sweet. No long oratories on great men, or perilous adventures. I just want to leave you with one thought today: The day the colonies gained a country, a Civilization lost its Nation. What is this Civilization? Native America. Imagine this, One day a group of strangers show up on your shores. You welcome them to your land and help them get established. Soon, more and more of these men are settling in the land. After a while they declare Independence from wherever they came from, and say that your home is THEIR country! The nerve! Next more strangers appear, and start shooting people! Then before you can say "Chickasaw" everybody is having a war over YOUR land! Is it a mouse between two cats to be fought over? Anyways, time goes on and the original settlers win. They call themselves "Americans", but they come from over the sea! After a time has passed, the begin pushing west, Shoving you off your land and spreading wild stories about savages scalping people, when all you
did was try to defend Your land! Pretty soon your people are disappearing, being moved to reservations, then moved again when something valuable is discovered there.
Of course you all know the rest of the story, manifest destiny, blah blah blah. But this fourth of July, when you think about the people who gained Independence, remember the ones who lost their liberty.
As always,
Hey folks! R.G. here! Due to a influx of nominations (more than expected) I am cutting off the nomination time to end today! In other words, VOTING STARTS NOW!!
Here is our list of competitors!
1. School-Swimming-Music = Nate
2. Penguins are cool
3. Life N Jeans ( no link needed! your already here!)
4. Chillin with Vader
5. Joshy Boy's blog
6. World Of Ellipses
7. Under The Highlights
8. Metal Gearz
9. Bridgette Photography
10. Ravens wings
11. Over the summer
12. Kirstin Rose Photography
13. Kristen Leigh Photograph
14. Just me - Allie
15. One Way Up
16. Live Laugh Love
And Guys, Because of the overly large amount of sites entered in this competition, Im gonna need you guys to get anyone you can to vote. I dont care if its your sister's friend's mother's brother's uncle's son's daughter's pet hamster, get them to vote! We have way to many websites, and way to little voters.
Well, that's all for now. See ya round the mango shrub!
P.S. - Unlike other times, this competition will be decided by Poll, not by number of comments. You can vote at http://vote-blog-a-thon.blogspot.com
Weeeeeellll its that time again folks! R.G. here, and I've got a big contest up my sleeve! Its time for our annual (four)monthly blog contest!!!!! As usual, there will be two stages to this event. The first is purely nominational, and will last until july 5th. The second is the election, which will last from july 5th until july tenth. 5 days for each section, ten in all. The winner will receive a diploma like last contest, but it will be a completely different design. As usual it will be signed by Life N Jeans and the CEO of One Graphix corp. Here are the rules once again.
Round 1 - Nominate your favorite blog.
Round 2 - Vote for the nominated choices.
You are allowed to nominate multiple blogs. This is not the case, however, in voting. Also, for those who were wondering, Wordpress blogs ARE allowed in this contest (*snickers*).
So lets get those nominations goin! Email your friends! Scream on the streets! Jump of Niagara falls screaming "Life N jeans"!!
See ya round he mangled mango shrub!
P.S. - I just finished a design piece and will probably post it soon!
Hello folks! As you can probably already tell by the caption of this post (as well as the music that should be playing in the backround) I have added a new soundtrack to the blog! After weeks without music, I have finally re-instated the blog soundtrack. There are a few old songs on there, but almost all of them are entirely new! I would greatly appreciate feedback on my choice of songs. If you have any particular tracks that you would like added to the blog, you can just leave a comment stating the band and name of the song. Oh, and if the music is not playing for some reason, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click play. it should, every time henceforth, start on its own.
In other news, I did not make it to the dance tonight. I was hoping to go but some stuff came up so i had to stay home.
As always,
p.s.- see ya round the doogleberry bush!
Hello all! Whew, it has been a long time! I apologize for not posting in a while, I have been real busy with stuff. Well this is my post of reckoning, I have to tell you all everything that has happened since last....posting.
A week or so a go I went to a really fun dance in Mt. Airy, and had a lot of fun. A couple days later, The summer camp, Summer celebration started. I was placed on the 6 year old Galatians (blue) team to help coach. Though it was fun, it was extremely stressful. We had to be at the church bright and early at 7:00 AM each morning, and couldn't go home to past 12:00. This year, I was shadowing (taking care of) a special needs kid on our team. Hew as a nice guy, but he didn't come back for the last three days :( . Well for some reason, Every time we went to play games the kids on my team decided i needed to be tackled, so all 11 of them would gang up on me. It didnt help one bit that sean Branchaw was encouraging them the whole time (He's on one of the drama teams). Well as the camp progressed, Exhaustion proved to be inversely proportional to energy. One went, up, the other went down. Anyways, Today was the last day and right now i feel like a walking catfish (is that even possible?). We had a big race for the the campers, and one of my kids came in first place (for the six year olds). Afterwards everyone got icecream and such. Well I stayed after the camp was over (There were a lot of emotional partings from the kids) to help clean up. We (me and a group of other volunteers) moved the set from the stage (which is quite heavy I might add) and took down a lot of the stuff outside. Afterwards we vegged out eating icees. All i can say is that it was one crazy week! (Oh and i forgot to mention, Mr. B (the runner of the camp) got a pie in the face each day!)
In other news, There is a contra dance in glen echo tomorrow, and i am hoping to be able to go. I need a ride anyway, so is anyone able to take me?
Cya round the mango shrub!
Hey folks! R.G. here. Well lately I have been tossing around some ideas of some stuff to do over the summer. And I was wondering what you all would think about reviving the debate club idea, or having a book club. Here are the details for both.
Debate -
Meetings - 3-4 meetings over the summer. More if possible
Where - At different houses of members
Topics- Discuss Political issues of today as well as moral and philosophical issues from the past. (Historical events, etc.)
Type of debate - Team and one on one.
Book club-
Meetings - 5-6, possibly more.
Where - My house and/or other members' houses
Topics - We would each read a different book by one author and discuss the similarities, allegories, and other base materials hidden within.
Other- Snacks included!
So this is basically just a temporary idea. It most likely wont work out, but i wanted to know what ya'll thought about it. If you have any ideas, please share them!
Hey folks! R.G. here. I thought you all might enjoy this little video.
Never forget,
Hello everybody, I thought it only right to take a moment to remember The Invasion of Europe today. 65 years ago this very day, over 160,000 men left to attack Germany's great Atlanic wall. A cement barricade covering the entire french shoreline! This wall was more than a wall though, it had land-mines on the beach, cement pillboxes all over, atilary back-up, and much more. I am about to share a paper I wrote about the attack. O know it's long so feel free to skip to any part you want to know about.
D-Day is arguably the most important battle in modern history. In 1939, a man named Adolph Hitler had seized control of Germany and had begun to build an army in spite of a treaty signed in 1919. This treaty was signed at the end of World War I (WWI) and prohibited Germany from raising a military. Over the span of two years Hitler conquered over half of Europe including France, Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. On December 11, 1941, Hitler declared war on the U.S, forcing America to join the war as Britain’s allies.In 1943, America and Britain agreed on an enormous attack against Germany.
After months of planning, the Allies (Britain and America) decided the best place to attack was Normandy, a beach on the northern coast of France directly across the English Channel from England. Normandy was the best place to attack simply because it wasn’t. Normandy was not near Britain and was pretty well protected. One Normandy was selected, the beach was divided into five different landing zones; Utah, and Omaha (American), Gold, Juno, and Sword (British). The Allies knew Hitler would never expect an attack there. If Hitler was wondering where the Allies would attack, he would assume that they would attack Calais, a jut of land extremely close to England. The Allies used this to their advantage later on.
American and British scientists studied charts over 300 years old to determine when the tide would be right to attack. The tide had to be high enough so that the landing craft, carrying soldiers, could clear the spikes set up by the Germans. The soonest time the tide would meet all the requirements was June 5, 1944. Knowing this, the generals agreed to set the date of attack for that time.
America spent the year of 1943 by building planes, weapons, tanks, and shipping men to Britain. The Allies knew that the secret to victory was not only to have better weapons and men then the enemy, but also to know more. Spy planes equipped with high speed cameras would fly, low altitude, over the German defenses, taking pictures all the while. In a short time, the Allies had a full photo map of Normandy. Pilots who would be flying during the attack could go into the room and memorize what their target looked like from the sky. Every bomber knew exactly what to hit.
The Allies also created special weapons for D-Day. The most unique of these was an amphibious tank. This tank was designed to be launched by boat and motor to the shore where it would act like a regular tank. This seemed perfect to the generals who did not want to have to take heavy tanks to shore by boat.
After 12 hours had passed, the weather was still just as stormy. The generals met again and postponed the attack another 12 hours. After 12 hours had past the weather was still bad, but it wasn’t raining anymore. The generals knew that they had to attack now or wait another 2 weeks for the tide to be right again. Returning to England was dangerous because they couldn’t keep 160,000 men quiet for two weeks. The attack was on.
Out at sea, more than 160,000 soldiers were preparing to land on Normandy. Before the landing, battleships bombarded the shore at a rate of 200 tons of bombs per minute! Bombers flew and showered the barricade with tons of 500 pound bombs. From the ships, it was like watching a caged rat get blown to bits. They thought that nothing could be left alive on the beach. They were wrong.
“What the **** are you guys waiting for! Use your **** helmets and bail!”
As the carriers neared Omaha beach, some of them got caught in sand banks and didn’t want to continue because of the fear of not being able to get back to the ships. Instead, they let the soldiers out over 100 yards from the beach. Many of the soldiers jumped from the boat into 8 ft deep water and drowned due to the 100 pounds of equipment strapped on their backs.
The soldiers that did reach the beach found that they were stuck behind a five foot sand wall. Any soldier unlucky enough to let his head show was soon dead. The soldiers were waiting for a weapon that would never come. That weapon was the amphibious tank that had seemed so perfect. All but 3 out of more than 50 had sunk because of the stormy seas. Without tanks, the soldiers seemed doomed. This feeling of doom disappeared after one sergeant asked a soldier what was going on. “We can’t get past that bunker sir.” The soldier yelled above the noise of the battle,
“****, that’s it. I’ll get you past that ***-**** bunker!”
With that, the sergeant grabbed a demolition pack (a large bag, filled with explosives that are set on a timer which can be started by anyone at the push of a button) and started running toward the bunker. In an incredible act of courage, the sergeant reached the base of the bunker and planted the demolition pack at its base. He was shot and killed as he ran back to the beach, but his courage had already helped the war. After 15 seconds, the bunker blew up and a hole 10 yards across was opened in the wall. For his act of courage, that sergeant was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. After a few hours the Americans had taken Omaha beach. The other beaches were tough, but Omaha was certainly the worst.
Patton’s army ended up working extremely well. The panzers, that were so desperately needed, were just sitting up at Calais but needed orders from Hitler to move. Hitler couldn’t give orders because he was asleep. The night before the attack Hitler had spent the night partying and drinking. The morning of the attack he slept late, and no one dared wake him for fear of stirring his wrath. The Panzers never were able to help Normandy.
The LAPD(Los Angeles Police Department), The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.
The CIA goes in.
They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI goes in.
After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.
The LAPD goes in.
They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"
A CEO throwing a party takes his executives on a tour of his opulent mansion. In the back of the property, the CEO has the largest swimming pool any of them has ever seen.
The huge pool, however, is filled with hungry alligators.
The CEO says to his executives "I think an executive should be measured by courage. Courage is what made me CEO. So this is my challenge to each of you: if anyone has enough courage to dive into the pool, swim through those alligators, and make it to the other side, I will give that person anything they desire. My job, my money, my house, anything!"
Everyone laughs at the outrageous offer and proceeds to follow the CEO on the tour of the estate. Suddenly, they hear a loud splash. Everyone turns around and sees the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) in the pool, swimming for his life. He dodges the alligators left and right and makes it to the edge of the pool with seconds to spare. He pulls himself out just as a huge alligator snaps at his shoes.
The flabbergasted CEO approaches the CFO and says, "You are amazing. I've never seen anything like it in my life. You are brave beyond measure and anything I own is yours. Tell me what I can do for you.
The CFO, panting for breath, looks up and says, "You can tell me who pushed me in the pool!"
This list is priceless!
* Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
* Drum on every available surface.
* Sing the Batman theme constantly.
* Staple papers in the middle of the page.
* Ask 1-800 operators for their home phone number. If they don’t give it to you ask why they are calling YOU at home.
* Sew department store anti-theft detector strips into people's backpacks. (Awesome)
* Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page.
* Set alarms for random times.
* Honk and wave to strangers.
* Dress only in clothes colored Hunter's Orange.
* Change channels five minutes before the end of every show.
* Tape pieces of "Sweating to the Oldies" over climactic parts of rental movies.
* Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complementary mints by the cash register.
* Pay for your dinner with pennies.
* Repeat everything someone says, as a question.
* Wander around the restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley. (Awesome)
* Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly.
* At the laundry mat, use one dryer for each of your socks.
* As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
* Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read. (I do this alot though not on purpose)
* Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles.
* Pretend your mouse is a CB radio, and talk to it.
* Name your dog "Dog."
* Ask people what gender they are.
* Reply to everything someone says with "That's what YOU think."
* Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookie parts back in the tray.
* Forget the punch line to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a "real hoot". (i'll have to try this one too)
* Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol.
* While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
* Make beeping noises when a large person backs up. (Yes! soo good!)
* Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September.
* Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
* Mow your lawn with scissors.
* At a golf tournament, chant "swing-batatatatatata-suhWING-batter!" (I wanna do this one so bad)
* Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment. (TOTALLY AWESOME!)
* Never make eye contact.
* Shout random numbers while someone is counting.
* Make appointments for the 31st of November.
I just watched Up at the movie theater and I can say unhesitantly that it was the BEST animated movie I have ever watched. (And close to best on any movies I have watched, period!) I was really surprise about how moving the plot was, especially in a day and time when most movies have shallow plots filled with dirty jokes. I can absolutely fully recommend this movie to all of you. Hope you like it as much as I do!
Until next time!
P.S.- I have running to day! I have not gone running in so long though, I'll probably be lagging at the back of the pack....lol
Hey folks! I just got back from watching Night at the museum II for the second time! This time I organized a big group, of 34 somewhat people and we all went together. We were the only ones in the theatre! It was awesome, and as usual, I noticed a lot more things when i watched it again. Afterwards we went and got ice cream at Maggie Moo's, and hung around the Rio, it was a ton O fun! I am looking forward to doing somthing like this again.
Au revior,
P.S.- In case any of you were wondering, I sent 164 emails, had 16 chats, and made 12 phone calls to get this thing organized! ( I also hear some people may be goin on saturday to UP, sounds fun!)
Hey guys, I know I quit the blog but I decided to not quit it so live with it, here is the top ten dunks from lebron james who hopefully will win the championship this year! WOOT WOOT!
Hey folks! R.G. here! I just saw Night at the museum II: Battle for the smithsonian, and let me tell you, it was Great! I loved Akmanra's brother, Kahmanra, and I especially enjoyed The air and space musuem part. I am actually thinking about going to see it again with a group of friends.
In other news, John Hill has made the decision to leave as a blog author. Im not quite sure of all the details, but you can talk to him about it. But we may be getting a replacement author pretty soon! I've been talking to Natalie S. about joining as an author, and though its not confirmed I THINK she may be able to do some posting!
Also, I went to a special WWII Convention on Saturday, and it was amazing! People had tanks, jeeps, guns, swords, knives, helmets, bazooka's, Everything you could imagine! Most of it was for sale, And I bought a few things. My Uncle is a big WWII Collector and came all the way out from OK to go to this convention. Well afterwards we went to the APG (Aberdeen Proving grounds) Museum and saw a bunch of cool stuff. Outside they had hundreds, and i mean hundreds, of tanks lined up. I took snapped a lot of shots for you guys, and should be able to get some of 'em up soon.
Well, thats all for now folks! See ya round the Mustard tree!
So I'm still in Albion, Michigan, and there was a interesting event that happened today. Me, my cousin Charlie (20 yrs. old) and Elise my sister were just passing a frisbee around today. Charlie left about halfway through because he had to meet some more relatives, but me and Elise kept playing. So there's this really fast flowing river (About 30 ft across and 3~5 ft deep) right near , and I threw the firsbee right into it! Of course, it just HAD to be my cousins frisbee and we all paniced and went crazy trying to get it, but the river was flowing WAY too fast. Chichi (my other sister) went running to get help and Elise and I went running along the river on either side trying to find a place to get it. (yah, yah, we're prob the only people who would go this crazy over a $15 frisbee, but whateva) This gang of teenagers were shouting at us, "You can do it! Ya dude, keep it up, man!" In a not-exactly-encouraging tone, but I ignored them and kept following. Finally the current slowed, but there was a couple feet drop down to the river and I couldn't reach the frisbee. I got a stick and kept it near the side of the river, and then my dad came to the rescue. We borrowed a hoe from this random kind person and managed to fish the frisbee out. YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!! Thus concludes my random 'adventure' of the day. I'll be back tomorrow night! (After a 10 hr drive. RG, no comments plz. ;-)
Allo peoples! I am (as in RIGHT NOW THIS SECUNDO!) in Michigan after a long, tiring, cramping, tiring, annoying, tiring, boring trip that was very, very tiring. (Did I mention it was tiring?) Ya, you get the point. I am alive and well (but still tired) and am enjoying my time at my aunt's house. I'm coming back Sunday night so I won't be at church, but I should see alot of ya at various times this week. I'll try to post a update when I get back home! (And for those few faithful followers of MY blog, I'm gonna copy this and post it there, so don't freak out if this post in both...)
Hey folks! R.G. here. Its been a little while since i posted, been busy finishin up school and all. Not much has happened, 'cept i did have a concert on the 17th for band and Choir. It was a ton O fun!
Well the climax of my very short post are these equally short videos by my favorite comedian, Brian regan! Here they are!
(Oh, and by the way, you'll need to stop the music at the bottom of the page before you watch the videos =D )
A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?" ----------------------------------- When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300°C. The Russians used a pencil. ----------------------------------- Why do ducks have webbed feet? To stamp out fires. Why do elephants have flat feet? To stamp out burning ducks ----------------------------------- A doctor says to his patient, “I have bad news and worse news”. “Oh dear, what's the bad news?” asks the patient. The doctor replies, “You only have 24 hours to live.” “That's terrible”, said the patient. “How can the news possibly be worse?” The doctor replies, “I've been trying to contact you since yesterday.” Haha, which one did ya like the most? I like the NASA one. Classic! Go running tomorrow (thursday) at 3:30 if ya can! See (hopefully) ya there! -Robomaster
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